Because a job is so much more than just a job

MOprojects GmbH and Holztechnik Schwanekamp GmbH, both stand for high-quality international interior design and a familiar working atmosphere. Based in Vreden-LĂĽnten, in the western MĂĽnsterland region, we employ around 100 people in production, costing, work preparation, project management, IT and administration.

Our employees as our most important capital

We can laugh together and rely on good teamwork. We work together and learn from each other. That is why, in addition to good teamwork, the individual advancement of each employee is also important. Our employees and colleagues are the foundation of our success. The esteem in which we hold them is correspondingly high.


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Our corporate culture

The esteem in which we hold our employees is high. This is expressed not only in financial employer benefits, such as contributions to the company pension scheme. We also offer our employees language courses. In addition, they have the opportunity to work for MOprojects Ltd. on an international level for a while and thus gain valuable experience and improve their foreign language skills. Group activities- not only before Christmas, but also in the summer – are simply part of our work. Ourcompany health management includes a variety of offers, such as back courses, ergonomics and nutrition seminars, because we attach just as much importance to a good working atmosphere as we do to the well-being of our employees.

Our Benefits

Flat hierarchies

Company pension scheme


Business Bike

Corporate Benefits

Language courses

Friendly working atmosphere

Occupational health management

Company sponsor

Flexible working hours

Holiday and Christmas bonus

Team spirit

Current vacancies

It is the people who work with us who to make MOprojects GmbH and Holztechnik Schwanekamp GmbH even more successful every day. To support our already great team, we are constantly looking for motivated and enthusiastic personalities. Would you also like to enrich us with your personality and skills? Then apply and start your future with us. We offer varied tasks in a wide range of areas. We focus on you as a person from the very beginning – with your individual human and professional facets. Join our team – we look forward to meeting you!

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Unsolicited application

Didn’t find what you were looking for in our job offers? Then take the initiative now and introduce yourself and your skills. Maybe we don’t know how invaluable you can be to us.

Do you have questions about our current vacancies or our application process?

Get in touch.